
Showing posts from 2016

something interesting

So i was in social media and i came across something that caught my attention, which was getting permanently different color eyes. In order for you have to get this done, you have to get the  procedure done outside of the U.S, since it's still not legalized. Getting this procedure costs around $8,000. So far the only colors available are ice grey, baby blue and amber.

immigrants on our land

Once we were reading about the immigrants on our land I thought that I'd be racist because of the title but it wasn't what I expect. It reminded me of my parents once it went on because they came here to have a better life with security and a home an American Dream. But yet they still go through hardship  and its maybe even worse then where they came form. And this relates to the story because the guy came for a future but realizing reality it was hard he still had to work . And he while he was in this land he also saw immigrants coming in because they think they have a chance and still got hope,


Theme : everything has a purpose Tone : to get you thinking Mood : inspiring Devices :       He would have special gifts  His mother was bitten by a rattle snake Put in jail because of drug possession   ----> 6 years He thought himself to read and write  "I be live something in my nervous system was impacted by poetry " In immigrants in our land I just started to think about my parents and their side of the story of how they have a hard time, the story is similar to every person in someway

My first image

i forgot to post it over break

essay - speech

Emerson once said, "   he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried". He is telling us that we know whats best for ourselves. We can recall whats good and bad in life. Yet, we underestimate ourselves and we let our opportunities for our future fly away, we need takes some risks, that will actually help us and not hurt us in our upcoming future. As a junior in high school I'm starting to hear from adults like teachers, consular and from my own parents that I'm reaching my "adulthood" and I need to start to making wise decisions in life because whatever I do now, is going to affect my future. Just like in the story, A Sound of Thunder ,  Eckels the protagonist is warned by a safari leader named Travis that whatever he does in the past will eventually effect his future and it will be followed by consequences. Just like us if we go on the wrong path in our journey we will hit a dead end. We need to trust ourselves just like how Emer...

My mad dream of an essay

Remember that time you ate that spicy  [ noun ]  just before you went to bed on the night before the big  [game ] ?  Oh, that weird dream you had about the 2016 presidential election.  When you woke up you couldn't quite remember the  [ adjective ]  details, but after reading " On Self-Reliance " and " A Sound of Thunder " it's all coming back to you now. The dream started badly.  You were in line with your family at a [restaurant] waiting to be sent to [a table near the window ].  Everywhere you looked there were posters of president-elect [Seth Stone  ], looking like a crazy [bull] who could eat a whole [SUV].    Suddenly, there was Ralph Waldo Emerson telling you, " [..some  powerful mind acting on the elemental thought of duty.. ] ."  You realized that you have something to contribute to the world so you decided to [scream for the top of your lungs your opinion on the election  ].  But it wasn't ...


well while reading A Sound of Thunder i got confused since these hunters went back in time to the Jurassic era, which i don't get why they even went there at all. And why couldn't they go back in time to undo the mistakes, i mean they have is a time machine isn't that what its suppose to do go back in time ?

Emerson's Child

           These past few days we discussed Emerson's essay, I think I've got some ideas on how Emerson thinks, yet again I'm not him and these are my opinions. If Emerson would here to see the 2016 presidential election,  I think Emerson would view the presidential election like any of us quite confusing on how we ended up with such two candidates. "... God will not have his work made manifest by cowards." this quote means if any of those two candidates where to become president that he/she better do a good job in keeping the humanity safe because god didn't send his son for him just to be executed to save the world and then one of these two end up ruining it. And since one of them is going to become president we " must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty eff...


Notes : 11/9/16 " traveling is a fools paradise " •Don't run away from your problems " my life is for itself.." •Live your life as your own " smile now, cry later" " yet he dismisses without notice because it is his" •To afraid to talk • speak out loud • we represent something different, don't be ashamed of who you are and if someone disagrees don't listen to them since it's just their opinion •to go where you want to go " and there for a man" • regardless of how people look at you ..


Notes : 11/8/16 " every man is his own self " • Emerson ---> religious •Devine ----> man =star "... Be your best self " " these are the voice ... Society..." • monopolies---> money we are consumer and they are producers • stop being a consumer and be a producer • creates of our own life's • finding your self


Notes : 11/7/16 " ... Under my window make no reference.. they want they are " • Hilary and trump debate  " but your best self" • be yourself  •be the person you want to be  " don't follow a trail ... Make your own. "  • you can change the world but your quiet so we won't know explain man is his own star  • Emerson was a genius  •  his own rules
Emerson said it : " where is the master who could have thought Shakespeare? Where is the master who could have instructed franklin, or Washington, or bacon, or Newton? Ever great man is unique." Emerson is giving examples of famous men who didn't "follow the herd" and just did what they wanted to do without anybody telling them to. " the civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet..." I think that someone is trying to improve but their is always someone who tries to get on your way " the objection to conforming to usages that have become dead to you is, that is scatters your force." I'm not quite sure on what this quote means, but maybe it's saying that those who are getting tired or the ones not trying are wasting their creativity. "... But these impulses may be from below, not from above."  Emerson is using an eexaple of heaven and hell " ... The vittue in most request is conformity...
My  self-reliant : It was really long that I forgot half of it. But when I started reading where we left off, I felt it was talking about the bible, then it kept changing topic well at least that's what I think. And it ended up confusing me more because of unknown words Emerson put in self  reliant
Author in progress: I am positive I did a terrible job on my writing.  I actually didn't know if it was supposed to be an essay or just answering the questions. And that's what I did, I also got lost because I studied the question our clas had made. So I got lost and I didn't know what to write. But when it came to the extra credit I knew the answer, I just couldn't explain it well.
I wasn't in 5th period since I had to take the PSAT. When I got to the place I had to be we took almost   2hr to get ready and set up, which made me think if we would miss our 6th period as well. Anyways the first proration of the test was long my neck hurt and I wasn't able to sit comfortable. And by the 2nd portion of the test it went by fast and it was easy, also I was a lot more awake and full of energy. As for the kid next to me he was tired and I was able to here his stomach growling, but it wasn't a distraction for me. Once we had to do the math that's when I got confused and to be honest most of the math were guesses well I use some common since. ( I also forgot to mention I would pay attention to the bell ringing so see how much time I have left and what period it was ) . Over I feel good about the test.
Something interesting about the book that I'm reading : Is that Quentin is 'not' a peeping tom but from the looks of it they don't want to admit it
My America Voice: I believe that it's okay to talk when your outside of your classes basically anywhere but in school class hrs. And when you stay quiet it's when someone is talking to you, a teacher, your parents etc. the reason I say this is because you'll most likely get useful information out of then or you misinterpret things. So when your talking to any human being be quiet. Since I'm a girl and there is girl code i (we) don't speak up when another girls are arguing since it's none of our business and blah blah.. , or maybe it's just something we where taught when we were young so we don't speak up. But that's just my opinion. And as for someone being bullied or a girl/boy cheating on their partner, I normally just debate if I should speak up or stay quiet I over think stuff like this, because I don't want to her the person and sometimes I don't have the courage. And if I do have the courage I tends to be late. If I'm try to hel...
Vocab. Team : The way Donald speaks aggravates the people in the US. The last question asked in the debate was every earnest, due to the fact that each candidate had to say one thing that they respect about each other. Throughout the tension building up in the beginning this last question helped illuminate a positive image. Trumps Muslim plan is to dissolve the illegal immigrants, every time he says this his nose tends to enlarge itself because he yells and his facial expression reminds me of a proboscis monkey. Trump however; says that Hilary doesn't have stamina and her capillaries are clogging which he's the people wether if we can have her as president.
Literature analysis 2: In the book that I'm reading Paper Towns by John Green, is about a girl (Margo) trying to find herself yet, she doesn't want others to find her since she wants to 'start a new life'. In the book you can see that John green uses imagery in the story , "an immense creature, the entire width of our car, standing stock-still ... As she appraises is with blank eyes." The tone and theme of the story is the theme is getting rapped up in it. And as for the tone it's almost optimistic .
Letter to my mentor draft 1 :           Dear mentor, Thank for all you've done to help me even though you still had work to do. And if I ever complained ( which was most of the time) I ask for your forgiveness, because I have failed to realize you were helping me, but I considered it as a punishment. I was selfish to realize you to had somewhere to be yet you stayed by me side to give me help. That's why I'm writing this letter to you so I can thank you and to apologize to you. Although this letter isn't long enough please remember that I mean everything I put in here, it's just that I'm someone who has a hard time expressing themself. But overall I appreciate everything you have done for me to succeed
Big question: So my big question is about an elephant. At a circus we see this huge massive mammal doing tricks. But after the show we see him tied up. So this is my question why is this big strong elephant not trying to break free? And if you say because its trained, then why do they tied the elephant up if he's so well trained? 🎪🐘
Respect my authority: When an authority supports me being myself it's when we have something in common or they find something interesting in me. But when they see I'm loud and just don't agree with me or they get annoyed of me that's when they become a threat to me because being myself isnt good enough for them or just plain annoying.
Mistakes for president : In the debate Donald trump would constantly say "we need to bring back law and order" as if we forgot all about it. He would also mentioned African Americans , and Mexicans and China, he would basically use these immigrants for examples. He also would blame Barak Obama for what has happened these last four years " ever since obama became president so in so murder rating went up high etc." As for Hilary she would say we should take away the guns from any bad person and we should also start retraining our police men. And that's all I got from 30 min of watching the debate.
Sometimes my mind: When we have a game against P.V we make a big deal out of it. Mostly when it comes to football. So why don't we get over excited and watch other games against p.v. Such like golf, waterpolo, tennis, etc.
The Pedestrian : My first reaction was that I thought this story would be like Young Goodman Brown since there wasn't much excitement. (Action)  Yet we haven't finished the story so I won't say as much as that.
My Yoda : My mentor would be Yesenia. If you happen to know her she a good person and she wants you to do your best. She also lets you know you can relie on her when you need help. I actually already idolize her.
Big question discipline(s) Why are things bond to happen ? 🤔
Fall vocabulary #4 Intermittent -  not steady •Intermittent rain Ebb -  the movement of the tide out to sea •he listened intently to the ebb and flow of these sounds Regress - return to a former or less developed state • rather than regress, you should always strive to move forward Tendency - an impulse towards a particular characteristic or type of behavior • still the general tendency of the waves would be to level Antiseptic -  substances that prevent the growth of disease causing virus • its principal action is an antiseptic and disinfectant
Vocabulary # 3 coherent -  (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent Belabor  - argue  Eschew - avoid using  Acquisitive - greedy  Emulate - match or surpass  Banal -   lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring Excoriation - harsh criticism  Congeal - thicken  Carping - difficult to please  Substantiate -  provide evidence to support or prove the truth of. Temporize - avoid making a decision  Largesse -  generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others. Tenable - able to be maintained  Insatiable - impossible to satisfy (  appetite and desire ) Reconnaissance -  military observation of a region to locate an enemy Germane -  relevant to a subject under consideration Ramify - spread  Intransigent - unwilling / refusing  to change one's view  Taciturn - saying little 
MY AERIES On the essay I did I got an A-, and I was somewhat surprised I got that letter grade. Yes I put effort in it and I thought I would fail. But maybe it's because I knew I could do better. The reason I received that grade was because I put everything from the  prompt on my paper, like the theme, tone, diction, etc. I like that I got an A, but it feels like I actually deserve a B or C well because I think I messed up in half the body paragraph and the last paragraph. And in this class I have done everything and the grade I believe I have in the class is a B+ or A-. I mean I did do bad I two quizzes but done all of my work
 Literature  Analysis : To Kill A Mockingbird The plot of the book was about three kids named Jem Dill and Scout, and I believe their fathers name of Jem and scout is Atticus. Another person mentioned in the book is 'boo' randley. In the beginning I learned some back ground of all three families. Dill has a divorced mother which sometimes leads him to come to there town for summer. Boo is known for a  murder which people believe that he killed his dad. Anyways Atticus gets 'assigned' to defend Tom Robinson, since he was being blamed of raping a girl. Her father Mr. Ewell come just it time to stop it from happening. But the  Challenge Mr. Atticus  has to face is that the person he's defending is a black person and the judges are white (racism ). Basically he get put in jail and he tries to escape since he not guilty and the police kill him. And the kids hear this and because of it they start to realize how unfair the world is. The theme is when your a kid i...
Faith - to trust •In my religion we have to have faith in God Threshold - the plank, stone or piece of timber that lies under a door * She opened the door and stepped across the threshold and onto the floor of the passage Tarry - to delay or be tardy * I'll take the time to tarry long with the women Resolve - fixity of purpose * We're going to resolve this peacefully Discern - to detect with the eyes * Discern a figure in the shadows Martyr - to put to death for adhering to a belief, faith or profession * Some religious were martyred Mirth - gladness or gaiety as shown by or accomplished with laughter * Laughing at a joke is an example of mirth Catechism - a serious of fixed questions Pious - devoutly religious * Feeling in his mind than that of firm belief in and pious wonder Frenzy - a state or period of uncontrolled excitement * my friend worked herself into a frenzy of rage
YGB Questions : I think that Hawthorne's purpose of writing the story was because you think you know a person so well that they surprise you and maybe not in a good way and it ends up effecting you, Creating trust issues and you want to believe in a person but actually really can't. Another that I thought about was that in our memories we can never forget even if we want to. I believe that Goodman brown's wife fit her role/name as faith. From what I read Faith tired to help her husband in the beginning and she did give her husband faith for a split second when he found out that the lady was a witch. In the story the author mentions a pink ribbon that belonged to faith. i think the ribbon symbolized faith(since his wife wears it) but, when it flew and he saw it drifting in the wind then it got caught in a branch, he himself said "My Faith is gone! ,cried he.There is no good on earth; and sin is   but a name.Come, devil! for to thee is this world given....
Tone - is an attitude of a writer towards a subject or audience Theme- is a central message Mood- evokes feeling in readers through words and descriptions Diction- style of speaking or writing Syntax- chosen words are used to form a sentence Adumbrate- to foreshadow Apotheosis- the perfect form Ascetic-relating to Bauble- inexpensive piece of jewelry Beguile- to trick Burgeon- to grow Complement- something that completes Contumacious-stubbornly disobedient Curmudgeon-a person who is easily annoyed Didactic- intended to teach people something
a) what work have you produced so far in this course? In this course I worked on open source learning something I was maybe not thought. Also when we were assigned to read we had to repond about it and now that I'm getting exposed a lot more to what's going on and I'm seeing things I've missed. Well when my teacher points it out b) I would probably give myself a b. We haven't done much but I known I can do better. As well get with program c) for me to succeed I need to focus and do finish/ put the class first
Young Goodman Brown: When I started reading it I didn't understand it since it had some words they used in the old days. But I got some things or two off the story, I think. What I don't understand or i just want it to be cleared to me is that if it was actually a dream or the witch but some kind of spell on him.
Notes for "The Earth on Turtle's Back": Didn't get any notes since we didn't really talk together
Conscience of a hacker : When reading it he/she who wrote it at first all I was thinking was that they were trying to say there smarter than us but the adults mistook it as cheating. And somewhat through the end like the last two, three paragraphs he/she was talking about the government and it was like he/she was speaking for all of us when they said they lied to us
Ancient Stories : (redo) " Earth on Turtles Back" I really don't know if we actually use some of the language or not in our everyday life or in conversations. Since it's the 21st century, we have the internet. And stories just like this one gets rewritten. And I actually believe that once they rewrite it using other phrases it loses it meaning. So I feel they should keep it word for word.
Theme - the central message The authors towards the characters, topic or audience " the right to your opinion " Truth - is that which you can be factual Sllyogism Validity- is a test of reason
On Wednesday of last week, I was introduced to a poem called "Richard Cory" by Edwin Arlington Robinson. When my teacher first read it to us, I thought that it would be a nice one where it had a happy ending, since it described Richard Cory as a perfect man. But once it got to the last line of the poem it had a twist to it. It went from happy to sad in just a flash. Another thing that came up in mind was, that people who maybe read the poem or not would have related to it (maybe not physically but emotionally/mentally). Basically we build this person we what to be or what we want others to see. Which can end up in lies, and it can be exhausting to the point where you can't take it no more. Well these are my thoughts on the poem.
Hello I am Adamari and Welcome to my blog. This blog will probably revolve around language arts, and personal stuff (maybe).