Emerson's Child

           These past few days we discussed Emerson's essay, I think I've got some ideas on how Emerson thinks, yet again I'm not him and these are my opinions. If Emerson would here to see the 2016 presidential election,  I think Emerson would view the presidential election like any of us quite confusing on how we ended up with such two candidates. "...God will not have his work made manifest by cowards." this quote means if any of those two candidates where to become president that he/she better do a good job in keeping the humanity safe because god didn't send his son for him just to be executed to save the world and then one of these two end up ruining it. And since one of them is going to become president we "must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark."  this is saying what's done is done. There is no turning back now we should move forward as a whole 'nation' and face what going to happen instead of hiding and running away from it our whole life. "Society is a wave. The wave moves onward, but the water of which it is composed does not. ... The persons who make up a nation to-day, next year die, and their experience with them."
          As I read Emerson's essay on self-reliance, the idea was to reach out to us 'teens'. We can be quite interesting but you'd probably won't know that since some of us maybe all of don't have that self trust in ourselves, so we keep our hidden brilliance to our selves. Emerson knowing that,wants us to "Trust thyself" and he wants us to speak up in school (mostly) he wants us to share our opinion and he wants us to ask questions so we get some answers , because this trusting yourself is whats going to help us get through school, besides studying and paying attention. Emerson wants every person to follow his/her dream and to be happy. To follow our heart and gut instincts but something that benefits us in a good way.
         In Emerson's self-reliance he says, “Be yourself” and “trust yourself” and as for him always mentioning 'yourself ' he means not being fake or being some else but you personally since their is only of you. For example, I'm that one person who is quiet yet you know of my existence, I'm nice and I can never say no, I say your usual good manners: please, thank you, your welcome, I'm sorry, etc. I'm not saying that's not me, what I'm trying to say is that from what I just wrote is like any school, company etc. trying to keep a reputation for the whole media and parents to see. When in reality there is a lot more going on behind the scenes. That's what I want people who never heard of me or seen me or never got to know me, that's what I want them to know about me I don't want them to see my failures and flaws. But if you'd get to know me, you'd know i laugh a lot for the smallest things, sometimes when i'm nervous or i fall/ embarrass myself i laugh it off. I can be quite sassy, i get mad , i cry or whatever human emotion/behavior you can think of i don't show i do when others aren't with be. At the end of the day I'm like any being on this planet.
I want people to know that i don't care about myself or pay attention to myself that much , since I'm busy trying  to 'make' other peoples life have a happy ending that it comes to a shock to me when i learn some new about myself, that's the kind of person I am. And i read Emerson's self reliance i realized i don't have trust in myself and i usually have to fight with myself  just to get some opinion out there. 
           Emerson's essay is something every teen or person should read because it understands us and he encouraging us to take a huge risk and trusting ourselves. And if i where to explain self - reliance to a 10 year old i'd say, Self-reliance is about being yourself. Don't worry about other people think of you, because there is 100% chance they've gone through the same thing as you maybe not exactly the same but similar. We all look different and we all think differently. And just because we think differently doesn't make us dumb or wrong. So just like Emerson said "every great man is unique" and "trust thyself". 
             All in all, Emerson is giving us a push that we all need in self-reliance. Saying we need to trust in our self and be original and to not change who we are because of one thinks or consider our self as stupid because we aren't. Emerson is giving us a tip of what we will see as a teenagers and saying were are not alone we all go through the same thing. And it better being you than being someone else and not enjoy yourself and be full of regrets. and that's what i learned in Self-reliance by Emerson. 


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