Gatsby test grade

Ch 1

1. Who is Nick related to ?
2. Where does Nick live at ?
3. What does Daisy tell Nick about her Baby?

Ch 2

4. Who is the other women tom Buchanan cheated with ?
5. What did tom do after mrs. Wilson shouted Daisys name?

Ch 3

6. What did Nick expect gatsby to look like ?
7. Who did Nick call dishonest ?

Ch 4

8. What is one thing gatsby shows Nick " from the war" as evidence?
9. According to Mr. Wolfshiem where did Gatsby attend college at ?

I'll post the answers later!


  1. 1. To daisy and Tom ,sorta,
    2. In one of the Egg villages
    3. That she got a baby
    4. Mrytle Aka Mrs.Wilson
    6.Like some old white dude


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