My America Voice:

I believe that it's okay to talk when your outside of your classes basically anywhere but in school class hrs. And when you stay quiet it's when someone is talking to you, a teacher, your parents etc. the reason I say this is because you'll most likely get useful information out of then or you misinterpret things. So when your talking to any human being be quiet.

Since I'm a girl and there is girl code i (we) don't speak up when another girls are arguing since it's none of our business and blah blah.. , or maybe it's just something we where taught when we were young so we don't speak up. But that's just my opinion. And as for someone being bullied or a girl/boy cheating on their partner, I normally just debate if I should speak up or stay quiet I over think stuff like this, because I don't want to her the person and sometimes I don't have the courage. And if I do have the courage I tends to be late. If I'm try to help someone I try to say it nicely, but when I come to defend myself, I curse and raise my tone. At the moment I don't realize of what I have done but after I cool down I realize what I have done and I apologize at same day since I feel guilty.


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