Vocabulary # 3

coherent - (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent

Belabor  - argue 

Eschew - avoid using 

Acquisitive - greedy 

Emulate - match or surpass 

Banal -  lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring

Excoriation - harsh criticism 

Congeal - thicken 

Carping - difficult to please 

Substantiate - provide evidence to support or prove the truth of.

Temporize - avoid making a decision 

Largesse - generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others.

Tenable - able to be maintained 

Insatiable - impossible to satisfy (  appetite and desire )

Reconnaissance - military observation of a region to locate an enemy

Germane - relevant to a subject under consideration

Ramify - spread 

Intransigent - unwilling / refusing  to change one's view 

Taciturn - saying little 


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