YGB Questions :

I think that Hawthorne's purpose of writing the story was because you think you know a person so well that they surprise you and maybe not in a good way and it ends up effecting you, Creating trust issues and you want to believe in a person but actually really can't. Another that I thought about was that in our memories we can never forget even if we want to.

I believe that Goodman brown's wife fit her role/name as faith. From what I read Faith tired to help her husband in the beginning and she did give her husband faith for a split second when he found out that the lady was a witch.

In the story the author mentions a pink ribbon that belonged to faith. i think the ribbon symbolized faith(since his wife wears it) but, when it flew and he saw it drifting in the wind then it got caught in a branch, he himself said "My Faith is gone! ,cried he.There is no good on earth; and sin is 
but a name.Come, devil! for to thee is this world given." And I'm pretty sure he didn't mean his wife's name. But his.

I believe that brown did in fact not  witness the whole thing. I think it was a dream. The reason I think this is because in dreams anything can happen. sometimes you don't even realize its a dream since it seems so real. And in this story there was lots of symbols and foreshadowing. Like in the beginning of the story Goodman's wife tried to stoop him from going outside, and the ribbon and staff where something that was mentioned throughout the story. 

I think the old man is the devil since the old lady confirmed it herself.  "The devil!" screamed the pious old lady.
"Then Goody Cloyse knows her old friend?" observed the traveler, confronting her, and leaning on his writhing stick

If brown stayed home then he would have faith yet he would not have known the truth about the old lady someone he trusted. But at least he would lived his wife not knowing all of the truth and he probably would have been happy.


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